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Education System of Lithuania


Types of higher education institutions:

Universitetas (University)

Kolegija (College)

School leaving and higher education credentials:

Brandos atestatas

Aukštojo mokslo diplomas (non-university)

Bakalauro diplomas

Aukštojo mokslo diplomas (integrated)

Aukštojo mokslo diplomas (specialization)

Magistro diplomas

Daktaro diplomas

Meno licenciato diplomas

Rezidentūros pabymējimas


Pre-higher education:

Duration of compulsory education:

Age of entry: 6

Age of exit: 16

Structure of school system:


Type of school providing this education: Pradinė mokykla (Primary School)

Length of program in years: 4

Age level from: 6 to: 11

Basic First Stage

Type of school providing this education: Pagrindinė mokykla (Lower Secondary School), Vidurinė mokykla (Secondary School), Jaunimo mokykla (Youth school)

Length of program in years: 6

Age level from: 10 to: 17

Certificate/diploma awarded: Pagrindinės mokyklos baigimo pažymėjimas (PMP) (Certificate of Lower Secondary Education)

Senior Secondary

Type of school providing this education: Vidurinė mokykla (Secondary school), Gimnazija (Gymnasium), Licéjus (Lyceum), Tarptautinio bakalaureato mokykla (international baccalaureate school)

Length of program in years: 2

Age level from: 16 to: 19

Certificate/diploma awarded: Brandos atestatas/ Maturity Certificate


Type of school providing this education: Profesinė mokykla (Vocational school), Technologijų gimnazija (Technological gymnasium), Jaunimo mokykla (Youth school)

Age level from: 14 to: 20


Type of school providing this education: Aukštesnioji mokykla (Junior college)

Length of program in years: 3

Age level from: 18 to: 21

Certificate/diploma awarded: Admission to Junior Colleges stopped in 2003.

School education:

The development of the current system of education in the Republic of Lithuania started in the 1990s. Since 2003, the education system covers; preschool (ikimokyklinis); general secondary (bendrasis vidurinis), vocational (profesinis), junior college (aukštesnysis), higher (aukštatis) and adult education (suaugusiųjų švietimas). These types of education are offered at: preschool education establishments (ikimokyklinio ugdymo ļstaiga), schools of general education (bendrojo lavinimo mokykla), institutions (įstaiga), enterprises (įmonė) of vocational education (profesinis mokymas), junior colleges (aukštesnioji mokykla), higher education institutions (aukštoji mokyklas), and institutions of complementary and non-formal education (papildomo ugdymo ir neformaliojo švietimo įstaiga). The continuity of education in the various types (levels) of educational establishments is implemented. According to the Constitution adopted in 1992, education is compulsory  until the age of 16. Education at state and muncipality general education schools, vocational schools and junior colleges is free of charge.  Pre-school education is not mandatory. It is for children from age 3 to 6 and its fee is partially covered by the State. Since 1986-1987, general education lasts for 12 years and is acquired in three stages: primary (pradinis) - 4 years (forms 1-4); lower secondary (pagrindinis) - 6 years  (forms 5-10); and secondary (vidurinis) - 2 years (forms 11-12). Each stage can be followed in a separate independent institution or in one general institution. There are also other types of establishments providing general secondary education: gymnasiums (gymnazijos) and international baccalaureate (IB) schools. Gymnasiums admit all applicants who have completed eight grades in a general education school. Gymnasiums have a four-year curriculum. The IB shools have a 2-year curriculum and English as their language of instruction. General secondary education can also be acquired at youth and vocational schools of appropriate level. Youth schools provide lower secondary education to 12- to 16- year-old pupils who have trouble in adapting to society, learning problems or those who have interrupted their studies.  Adults can acquire general secondary education at adult general education schools (mokymo centras) and in special classes at general education schools (klasė). The school year starts on September 1st. In certain districts, where national minorities dominate, the general secondary studies can be organized in the local language but basics of the state language are still mandatory. The Lithuanian education system is still undergoing its reform which is planned to end in 2010. Its main aim is to network the different types of educational establishment and to give the opportunity to change direction of studies or re-start studying at any moment. For more detailed information on the school system, please consult the Ministry's website at:

Higher education:

HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS: There are two types of higher education institutions in Lithuania: universities and colleges. In university-type institutions (akademija; seminarija; aukštojoji mokykloja), university-level studies dominate; in colleges, non-university-level studies dominate. Higher education institutions can be of two types: state and non-state. Non-state higher education institutions can carry out their practice according to a licence issued by the Government. STUDIES AT HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS: Higher education qualifications can only be acquired at higher education institutions. Non-university-level studies are organized in one-cycle undergraduate studies. University-level studies are organized in three cycles: first cycle (undergraduate); second cycle (graduate); and third cycle (post-graduate). Integrated studies lead directly to a Master's Degree and/or a professional qualification, by combining the first and second cycles of university-level studies. Professional specialization studies are organized at the second cycle after university-level studies (Bachelor or equivalent in the field of the specialization) to acquire a professional qualification in a certain field The third cycle trains researchers; art teachers, artists and medical practitioners. Studies follow the programmes registered by the Ministry of Education and Science. The quality of the programmes as well as the educational and scientific activities of higher education institutions are periodically assessed by the Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education. The national credit system is based on an average of 1600 working hours per academic year, one credit corresponding to 40 hours or one week of work. There are three modes of study: daytime, evening and extra-mural. ADMISSION TO HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS: To apply to undergraduate programmes, the student must hold a secondary or equivalent education certificate. To apply to graduate programmes, the student must hold a Bachelor or equivalent degree. To apply to post-graduate studies, the student must hold a Master or equivalent degree in the selected field. Admission to all cycles takes place on a competitive basis according to the admission rules set up by the higher education institution and validated by the Ministry of Education and Science.

Main laws/decrees governing higher education:

Decree: Law on Education (Švietimo įstatymas) - 1991/06/25 Year: 1991

Concerns: Law available in English at

Decree: Law on Higher Education (Aukštojo mokslo įstatymas) - 2000/03/21 Year: 2000

Concerns: Law available in English at

Decree: Law on Science and Studies (Mosklo ir studijų įstatymas) - 1991/02/12 - Amended 2002/06/11 Year: 1991

Concerns: Law available in English at

Decree: Law on the Long-term Financing of Science and Education (Mosklo ir švietimo ilgalaikio finansavimo įstatymas) - 2000/12/07 Year: 2000

Academic year:

Classes from: Sep to: Jun

Long vacation from: 1 Jul to: 31 Aug

Languages of instruction: Lithuanian, English

Stages of studies:

Non-university level post-secondary studies (technical/vocational type):

Non-university level:

Studies last from 3 to 4 years (at least 120 national credits). To be admitted, students should hold a Maturity Certificate (Brandos atestasas) or a comparable qualification. Studies lead to a professional qualification (profesinė kvalifikacija) and upon completion a higher education diploma (Aukštojo mokslo diplomas) is awarded . Non-university studies are one-level (undergraduate) professional studies which train for a professional activity. The qualification obtained after completion of non-university higher education programmes does not give the right to enter university second cycle (graduate) studies. Non-university higher education studies can be transferred as an appropriate part of university first cycle or integrated studies on a course-by-course evaluation basis.

University level studies:

University level first stage: University undergraduate (first cycle) studies (universitetinés pagrindinés (pirmosios pakopos) studijos):

Studies last from 4 to 5.5 years (140 to 180 national credits). To be admitted, students should hold a Maturity Certificate (Brandos Atestatas) or a comparable qualification. Undergraduate programmes comply to the guidelines approved by the Ministry of Education and Science. They establish all the general requirements of a programme including the basic qualification requirements for the academic and professional staff. The first cycle leads to the Bachelor (Bakalauras) degree and/or a professional qualification (profesinė kvalifikacija). The qualification obtained (Bakalauro diplomas or Aukštojo mokslo diplomas) gives the right to enter the university second cycle.

University level second stage: University graduate (second cycle) studies (antroji pakopa):

Master's Degrees  last for one-and-a-half to two years (60-80 national credits). To be admitted, students should hold a qualification obtained after completion of a university first cycle study programme or a comparable qualification. A Master study programme  prepares for independent research or artistic activities or activities for which deeper scientific knowledge and stronger abilities are required. Master studies are carried out at universities where research corresponding to a subject area is conducted. The general requirements for Master programmes are approved by the Ministry of Education and Science. Studies lead to a Master (Magistras) degree and /or a professional qualification (profesiné kvalifikacija). After completion of studies a Master's degree (Magistro diplomas) or a Higher Education Diploma (Aukštojo mokslo diplomas) is awarded. The Higher Education Diploma is awarded when studies lead to a professional qualification. These qualification generally gives the right to enter university third cycle studies. Special professional studies last for 1 to 2 years (40 to 80 national credits). To be admitted, students should hold a university first cycle or a comparable qualifiaction. These studies prepare for activities requiring special practical abilities. The general requirements for special professional programmes are approved by the Ministry of Education and Science. These studies lead to a professional qualification (profesinė kvalifikacija). After completion of studies, a Higher Education Diploma (Aukštojo mokslo diplomas) is awarded. Generally, a qualification obtained after this type of studies does not give the right to enter third cycle university (postgraduate) studies. There are also Integrated (vientisosios) studies that combine university first and second cycles. To be admitted, students should hold a Maturity Certificate (Brandos atestatas) or a comparable qualification. Studies lead to a Master (Magistras) degree or a professional qualification (profesinė kvalifikacija). When studies lead to the award of a professional qualification, they last for at least 4.5 but not more than 6 years (180 to 240 national credits). When studies lead to the award of a Master's degree, they last for at least 5 but not more than 6 years (200 to 240 national credits). The only exceptions in integrated studies are made in the fields of  Medicine, Odontology and Veterinary Medicine where studies may last longer but no more than 7 years (a maximum of 280 national credits). On completion of integrated studies a Higher Education Diploma is awarded. Generally, a qualification obtained after completion of integrated studies gives the right to enter university third cycle.

University level third stage: University postgraduate (third cycle) studies:

Residency (Rezidentūra) studies last from 2 to 6 years (80 to 240 national credits). They are designed exclusively for the training of specialists in the fields of Medicine, Odontology and Veterinary Medicine. To be admitted, students should hold an integrated study qualification, namely: Doctor (Gydytojas); Medical Doctor (Medicinos gydytojas); Doctor Odontologist (Gydytojas odontologas); Veterinary Surgeon (Veterinarijos gydytojas) or a comparable qualification. On completion of studies, a Residency certificate (Rezidentūros pažymėjimas) in a special field is awarded. Postgraduate art studies last for a maximum of two years (up to 80 national credits). They are designed to train higher education institution art teachers and specialized artists. To be admitted, students should hold a Master's degree awarded on completion of university second cycle studies or a comparable qualification in the area of arts. After the successful completion of the studies, the postgraduate Licentiate diploma in Art Studies (Meno licenciato diplomas) is awarded. Doctoral studies last for 3 to 4 years. Studies consist of doctoral courses (at least 20 national credits), specific research activities and the preparation of a doctoral dissertation. Doctoral studies are  jointly organized by higher education and research institutions.Upon completion of the doctoral course, a doctoral thesis must be prepared and publicly defended in order for the candidate to qualify for the Doctorate. To be admitted, students should hold a Master's degree or a comparable qualification. After the defence of the doctoral thesis, the degree of Doctor (Daktaro mokslo laipsnio diplomas) is awarded.

Teacher education:

Training of pre-primary and primary/basic school teachers

Pre-primary and primary school teachers are trained at higher education institutions.

Training of secondary school teachers

Secondary school teachers are trained at Vilnius University, Vilnius Pedagogical University, Šiauliai Pedagogical University, Vytautas Magnus University (in Kaunas) and Klaipėda University. Four-year course programmes are offered in certain other tertiary institutions. Master's degrees confer the right to teach in gymnasiums and colleges. Admission is on the basis of a Bachelor's degree and at least one year of teaching experience. Some higher education institutions offer study programmes leading directly to a teacher's qualification, others one-year courses to obtain the qualification of teacher after completing the regular study programme.

Training of higher education teachers

A Doctorate is required for teaching in higher education institutions. A Master's degree is needed to begin a career as a teacher in a higher education institution. The Habilitation is also required for certain posts in universities or other research institutions (e.g. professor, researcher).

Non-traditional studies:

Distance higher education

Course programmes are conducted by transmitting to the student specially prepared learning materials through the postal services. Various virtual environments were introduced and are developed by universities.

Lifelong higher education

The Ministry of Education and Science has licensed 90 institutions to offer non-formal studies. Around 700 institutions are listed in the Register of the Ministry of Economy for adults and others. These include 63 state-owned companies, 288 joint-stock companies, 271 individual companies and 46 foreign investment companies. In addition, special departments for adult training have been set up in the universities. The courses offered include training and retraining, particularly in the fields of pedagogy, psychology, special or additional education etc.


Administration & co-ordination:

Responsible authorities:

Ministry of Education and Science (Lietuvos Respublikos švietimo ir mokslo  ministerija)

Head: Remigijus Motuzas, Minister of Education and Science

A. Volano g. 2/7
LT-01516 Vilnius

Tel: +370(5) 2743080

Fax: +370(5) 2612077



Department of Science and Studies, Ministry of Education and Science (Lietuvos Respublikos svietimo ir mokslo ministerijos Mokslo ir technologiju departamentas)

Head: Albertas Þalys, Director

Sierakausko g. 15
LT-03105 Vilnius

Tel: +370(5) 2663444

Fax: +370(5) 2663466



Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education - Lithuanian ENIC/NARIC (Studiju kokybes vertinimo centras - Lietuvos ENIC/NARIC)

Head: Eugenijus Stumbrys, Director

Suvalkų g. 1
LT-03106 Vilnius

Tel: +370(5) 2104777

Fax: +370(5) 2132553



Lithuanian University Rectors' Conference (Lietuvos universitetu rektorių konferencija)

Head: Vytautas Kaminskas, President

Administrative officer: Kęstutis Kriščiūnas, Secretary-General

Gedimino pr. 3
LT-01103 Vilnius

Tel: +370(5) 2120629

Fax: +370(5) 2120629



Lithuanian College Directors' Conference (Lietuvos kolgiju direktoriu konferencija)

Head: Gintautas Braþiunas, President

J. Jasinskio g. 15
LT-01111 Vilnius

Tel: +370(5) 2496320

Fax: +370(5) 2497909



Science Council of Lithuania (Lietuvos mokslo taryba)

Gedimino pr. 3
LT-01103 Vilnius

Tel: +370(5) 2124933

Fax: +370(5) 2618535



National Examination Centre (Nacionalinis egzaminų centras)

Head: Vidmantas Jurgaitis, Director

M. Katkaus g. 44
LT-09217 Vilnius

Tel: +370(5) 2756180

Fax: +370(5) 2752268



Lithuanian State Science and Studies Foundation (Lietuvos valstybinis mokslo ir studiju fondas)

Head: Sigitas Renčys, Director

Goštauto g. 12-407
LT-01108 Vilnius

Tel: +370(5) 2639152

Fax: +370(5) 2639153




Admission to non university higher education studies

Name of secondary school credential required: Brandos atestatas

For entry to: All non-university higher education studies.

Alternatives to credentials:

A comparable qualification: Qualifications obtained in vocational school until 1990 (Kvalifikacijos įgytos baigus studijas profesinėje mokykloje iki 1990m). Since 1991: Certificate of general lyceum education (Bendrujų mokslų licėjaus atestatas); Maturity Certificate of Applied Sciences secondary school (Taikomujų mokslų vidurinės mokyklos brandos atestatas); Maturity Certificate of profiled lyceum (Profiliuoto licejaus brandos atestatas); Certificate of vocational secondary school (11 years) (11 metų profesines vidurinės mokyklos atestatas); Diploma of a college of foreign language teachers (Užsienio kalbų mokytojų kolegijos diplomas); Qualifications obtained after successful completion of vocational school if 'secondary education obtained' (įgijo vidurinį išsilavinimą) is inscribed; International Baccalaureate; Other international and foreign qualifications.

Numerus clausus/restrictions:

There is a numerus clausus for students entering non-university higher education studies

Admission to university-level studies

Name of secondary school credential required: Brandos atestatas

For entry to: All university programmes.

Alternatives to credentials: A comparable qualification.

Numerus clausus/restrictions: There is a numerus clausus for students entering university higher education studies.

Foreign students admission

Definition of foreign student: A foreign student is a person who is not a permanent resident in Lithuania and is enrolled at a Lithuanian institution of higher education.

Admission requirements: As a general rule, students must hold the Maturity Certificate or an equivalent qualification and pass an entrance examination (if such is set).

Entry regulations: A study visa or residence permit, depending on the length of studies, except for some countries, and financial guarantees are required.

Health requirements: A health certificate and insurance are required.

Language requirements: Students must have a good knowledge of Lithuanian, except for those entering programmes offered in English, German or Russian or individual studies (e.g. Music, Art).

Application procedures:

Apply to individual institution for entry to: Universities, Colleges

Apply to national body for entry to: Most universities and some colleges have joined the Association of Higher Education Institutions in Lithuania to organize and coordinate common admission procedures. Also in cases of intergovernmental bilateral exchanges and scholarship awards (

Recognition of studies & qualifications:

Studies pursued in foreign countries (bodies dealing with recognition of foreign credentials):

Lithuanian Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education (Lithuanian ENIC/NARIC)

Administrative officer: Aurelija Valeikienė, Deputy Director

Suvalkų g. 1
LT-03106 Vilnius

Tel: +370(5) 2105402

Fax: +370(5) 2132553



Deals with credential recognition for entry to: Profession

Services provided & students dealt with: Evaluation of foreign qualifications giving access to higher education and higher education qualifications. Information, consultation in the field of educational system of Lithuania. Information, consultation and recommendation on the evaluation and recognition of foreign qualifications related to higher education, evaluation and recognition of foreign qualifications and periods of study.

Special provisions for recognition:

For the exercise of a profession: Competent bodies (ministries, agencies, associations) deal with professional recognition. For the lists of professions and competent authorities please visit:;

Multilateral agreements concerning recognition of foreign studies

Name of agreement: Council of Europe/UNESCO Convention on Recognition of Qualifications Concerning Higher Education in the European Region (Lisbon Recognition Convention)

Year of signature: 1997

Name of agreement: European Convention on the Equivalence of Diplomas leading to Admission to Universities

Year of signature: 1997

Name of agreement: UNESCO Convention on the Recognition of Studies, Diplomas and Degrees Concerning Higher Education in the States Belonging To the Europe Region

Year of signature: 1994

References to further information on foreign student admissions and recognition of studies

Title: Higher Education in Lithuania

Author: Deprt of Science & Education, Ministry of Education & Science, ENIC/NARIC

Year of publication: 2002

Title: Welcome to Lithuania for Studies

Author: Dept of Science & Education, Ministry of Education & Science, ENIC/NARIC


National student associations and unions

Lithuanian National Union of Students Associations ((Lietuvos studentų atstovybių sąjunga)

Geležinio vilko g. 12
LT-01112 Vilnius

Tel: +370(5) 2313033

Fax: +370(5) 231-30-31



Lithuanian Union of Students (Lietuvos studentų sąjunga)

Geležinio viko g. 12
LT-01112 Vilnius

Tel: +370(5) 2685330

Fax: +370(5) 2611797



Special student travel fares:

By road: Yes

Available to foreign students: Yes

Student expenses and financial aid

Student costs:

Average living costs: 7200 (Euro)

Home students tuition fees: Minimum: 0 (Lithuanian Lita)

Maximum: 12000 (Lithuanian Lita)

Foreign students tuition fees: Minimum: 0 (Euro)

Maximum: 6000 (Euro)

Publications on student services and financial aid:

Title: Study Abroad 2005-2006

Author: UNESCO

Year of publication: 2005


Main grading system used by higher education institutions

Full Description: 1-10; 10 (puikiai): excellent; 9 (labai gerai): very good; 8 (gerai): good; 7 (pakankamai): highly satisfactory; 6 (patenkinamai): satisfactory; 5 (silpnai): sufficient; 4-1: insufficient.

Pass/fail level: 5/4

Lowest on scale: 1

Other main grading systems

Alongside the 10 point system, institutions may use the pass/fail system. Examinations and work defence evaluations, as a rule, are graded. For the courses that do not end with an examination, the pass system is used to test if students have earned the credits allocated to it.  Students succeed when they prove they have assimilated not less than 50% of the required knowledge.


Data for academic year: 2005-2006

Source: IAU from Lithuanian Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education, Vilnius, 2006

Note on Higher Education Institutions: Also General Jonas Zemaitis Military Academy of Lithuania,; Telsiai Seminary ,; and Vilnius Saint Joseph Seminary,

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